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table pair compactifications of the moduli space of degree one del Pezzo surfaces.
Miércoles 07 Octubre 2020, 04:00pm
Accesos : 253

Dori Bejleri, Harvard University.

4:00pm, 7 octubre: Stable pair compactifications of the moduli space of degree one del Pezzo surfaces.


A degree one del Pezzo surface is the blowup of P2 at 8 general points. By the classical Cayley-Bacharach Theorem, there is a unique 9th point whose blowup produces a rational elliptic surface with a section. Via this relationship, we can construct a compactification by stable pairs of the moduli space of anti-canonically polarized degree one del Pezzo surfaces. The theory of stable pairs (X,D) is the natural extension to dimension 2 of the Deligne-Mumford-Knudsen theory of pointed stable curves. I will discuss the construction of the space of interest as a limit of spaces of weighted stable elliptic surface pairs and explain how it relates to some previous compactifications of the space of degree one del Pezzo surfaces. This is joint work with Kenny Ascher.

