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Reflection equation and quantization of symmetric spaces
Miércoles 24 Marzo 2021, 06:00pm
Accesos : 349
Contacto Carlos Segovia

Seminario de Categorías

Expositor: Makoto Yamashita, University of Oslo

Resumen: The reflection equation, an analogue of the Yang-Baxter equation, appeared from the boundary quantum field theory due to Cherednik in the 80's. It came to known to have strong connection to quantization of homogeneous spaces, and in particular symmetric spaces through Tannaka-Krein type duality. In this talk I will review the basic categorical paradigm behind this correspondence, and an analogue of Kohno-Drinfeld rigidity theorem that gives a classification of monoidal categorical structure (ribbon braided module category) quantizing compact symmetric spaces in terms of eigenvalues of solution to reflection equation. Based on joint works with Kenny De Commer, Sergey Neshveyev, and Lars Tuset.

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