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Anyonic Defect Branes in Twisted Equivariant Differential K-Theory
Miércoles 13 Abril 2022, 01:00pm
Accesos : 393
Contacto Carlos Segovia

Seminario de categorías

Urs SchreiberNYU Abu Dhabi and Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague

Resumen: I'll start with an exposition of higher equivariant principal bundle theory, using a convenient category/homotopy-theoretic approach, following the notes here: . By way of example and application, I'll then show how this provides a pleasantly transparent way to understand:

1. the CPT-twisting of equivariant K-theory, which has come to be known as the "10-fold way",

2. the neglected twisting of equivariant K-theory by "inner local systems" appearing inside orbi-singularities.

I'll close by briefly indicating how, under the interpretation of K-cohomology as D-brane charge, these two facts have remarkable consequences for the physics of exotic "defect branes" in string theory (

This is joint work with H. Sati. Slides will become available at: .
