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Seminario de Simetría especular: Mohammad Reza Rahmati
Miércoles 27 Septiembre 2017, 02:30am
Accesos : 255
Contacto Dr. Alfredo Nájera y Dr. Carlos Segovia

Título: Variation of Hodge Strutures and Frobenius Modules

Expositor : Mohammad Reza Rahmati

Procedencia: IMATE Oaxaca

Lugar: Aula de seminarios IMATE OAXACA

Fecha y hora: Miércoles 27 de septiembre 2017, 2:30 pm.


I will explain the following theorem reflected in the works of D. Morrison, E. Cattani, J. Fernandez, et al.
There is a 1-1 correspondence between deformations of a framed Frobenius manifold of weight k from a quantum potential, and germs of polarized variation of pure Hodge structure of weight k, degenrating with a maximal unipotent limiting mixed Hodge structure of Hodge-Tate type, split over $R$.